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        佛山市埃科机器人科技有限公司是一家由掌握眼镜机械专业研发知识的人 员创建的企业,公司创立之初便以“以客户为中心,始终为客户创造价值”为 企业使命,提供注塑眼镜智能生产系统、镜框镜脚打磨抛光系统、智能喷涂系 统等整体解决方案及全套眼镜自动化设备。 公司结合国内外眼镜生产工艺特点,历时三年时间,首创研发具有完全自 主知识产权的专利产品---镜框注塑自动放铰链系统,在市场一经推出,便在行业 掀起眼镜注塑智能生产热潮,而后根据不同镜框镜脚生产工艺特点,不断推出 镜框自动打磨抛光机、镜脚自动打磨抛光机、金属打磨系统、镜脚自动放铰链 放尾针机、镜框注塑取出打磨一体机、铰链自动盖胶帽机、自动涂胶机、自动 点胶粘钻石机、智能喷涂系统等一系列产品,奠定了“埃科机器人”作为眼镜 智能制造创领品牌的地位。

        在多年的实践摸索中,公司积累了大量眼镜生产相关成功案例经验及数据, 针对眼镜生产过程中款式多、批量小、换型快等情况,已成功解决从前端注塑 到中端打磨抛光再到末端喷涂的自动化、智能化等关键技术难题,并根据客户 实际生产需求,在不增加成本的前提下为客户量身定制眼镜智能生产整体解决 方案,并提供全套设备及技术支持,彻底结束了注塑镜框镜脚等产品的传统手 工生产的历史,成为业界关注的焦点。

        我们埃科人万分热爱着自己的企业,本着“实干兴邦”的企业精神,加上 强大的科技自主创新能力,将不断为您提供更多、更好的设备,我们愿意为提 升眼镜行业自动化水平、创造出具有中国特色的世界级公司而奋斗终生......

        The Introduction Of Aike Robots Technology Co., Ltd. Foshan Aike Robots Technology Co., Limited is one company founded by one team which masters the professional R & D knowledge of spectacles machinery. From the beginning of the foundation, the company always adheres the mission of "the customers are the center and always create value for customers", and provides integrated solutions such as spectacles MIM intelligent production system, spectacles polishing system, intelligent spraying system, and full set automation equipment.

        Aike Company creates one completely independent intellectual property and patented product--- spectacle automatic injection and automatic hinge fixing system after three years research and development according to spectacles’ production process characteristics inside and outside China. Once introduced in the market, this system has been setting off spectacles injection intelligent production boom. After that, Aike Company launches some more machines such as automatic spectacle polishing machine, automatic legs polishing machine, metal grinding system , automatic hinge and pin fixing machine, one integrated machine for spectacle injection, taking out and polishing, one automatic machine to put a cover on the hinge, automatic gluing machine, automatic glue dispensing and diamond sticking machine and intelligent spraying machine. It establishes the position of "Aike Robots" as the leading brand in spectacle intelligent manufacturing section.

        In the past years, Aike Company accumulates a large number of experiences of successful spectacle production cases and data. Due to the special requirements of many different styles, small batches and quick production convertibility in the spectacles production, Aike Company has successfully solved the main technical problems of automatic and intelligent production of mold injection, polishing, fixing and spraying and provides complete set machines and technical supports, and completely ends the history of traditional spectacle manual production, and becomes the focus of attention in spectacle industry.

        Aike people love the company, with the enterprise spirit of “invigorating the country by action orientation” and the strong scientific and technological independent innovation ability, Aike Company will provide more better machines to increase the automation level in spectacle industry, and will struggle for ever to create a world-class company with Chinese characteristics.